World Mental Health Day - 10th October

World Mental Health Day occurs every year on 10th October. The theme for this year set by the World Federation of Mental Health is 'Mental Health is a universal human right'.  

The aim of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health globally and take action to create lasting change.

Did you know?

  • In Northern Ireland, 6 in 10 adults experience anxiety that interferes with their daily lives in the previous two weeks. 

  • Depression is one of the leading causes of disability.

  • Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds.

  • People with severe mental health conditions die prematurely.

  • Managers impact employees’ mental health (69%) more than doctors (51%), therapists (41%) or spouse/partner (69%). 

If you missed my July email I highlighted that research shows psychological flexibility is the single most important skill for mental health and emotional well-being (Hayes, Ciarrochi, Hofmann, Chin and Sahdra, 2022). For those suffering from anxiety, depression, addiction or other mental health problems psychological flexibility helps individuals deal with these issues more effectively and live the life they want to live.

Some ideas for workplace activities on World Mental Health Day

  • Provide a webinar or in-person event to provide them with some knowledge and tools to improve their mental health.

  • If you are located in Northern Ireland and haven't done so already sign up for the Public Health Agency's funded workplace wellbeing programme Work Well Live Well.  More details can be found on the Chest Heart and Stroke Association or Developing Healthy Communities website.

  • Agree on a well-being challenge with the team such as walking, gardening or volunteering.

  • Share free resources to improve mental health from a recognised and reliable source such as the Mental Health Foundation.

Do you need further help?

If you are interested in holding a workplace event to raise awareness of World Mental Health Day or would like to train your management team to reduce any impact they may have on their team's mental health and would like to discuss ways I could support you please book a complimentary discovery call using my online scheduler.


Manager Engagement levels


The Most Important Skill to Good Mental Health