Talent: Having The Right People In The Right Roles To Create Value

Over the last few weeks, I have been selecting a key characteristic of future-ready organisations and sharing my 3 top tips relating to these.

Talent should be a critical focus of any organisation’s growth strategy as in 2018 it was predicted that more than 85m jobs could go unfilled globally by 2030 because there wouldn’t be enough skilled people to take them.  This will result in lost revenue opportunity of 8.5 trillion dollars if it's not addressed.

 To ensure you have the skills for the future:

  1. Focus on assessing what skills are required to deliver value to your stakeholders, what skills you have and how you might best acquire these skills. As the war for talent increases the ability to develop talent internally will be critical. 

  2. Develop diversity and inclusion practices to improve access to talent. 

  3. Review the employee experience and create plans to improve this as part of your retention strategy. 

Do you need further help?

If so, I offer a complimentary call to discuss your requirements and how we might work together.


Gallup’s State Of The Global Workplace 2023 Report


Human Centred Leadership